Wednesday, July 19, 2017



Instructional courseware design is created to give instructional experiences to enhance the knowledge and skills. This courseware design focus on figuring out the learners need and identify the learners objective. With these two focusing point, we can create a suitable course ware to achieve the objectives.

To create a courseware that helps in achieving the objectives, a framework for the development of instructional coursework in five part should be taken care. Which is being called as ADDIE:

- Analysis
- Design
- Development
- Implementation
- Evaluation

The ADDIE Instruction Design Process consists of 5 basic steps: 

1. Analyze 
First of all, you will be need to analyze your learners and through the observation, identify what is the possible thing your learners need from the courseware. Also consider what objectives should be prepare for them to achieve.

2. Design 
You need to identify the learning objectives  and what specific skills that you wish your students to obtain?After that, you will also needed to identify the outcomes of the learning and ensure your students achieve your learning objectives.

3. Develop 
Develop your instructional strategies by facilitating the objectives for the learners. Also, you need to plan the logistics by grouping the students in their suitable group partner. Plan the tools and materials that are suitable in achieving the objectives. 

4. Implement
Try out your lesson plan or unit with students.

5. Evaluate
When you already implement the lesson plan, you need to evaluate your students learning session whether it is successful or not.

That's all for the fifth entry. Until next time. 

Monday, July 17, 2017



Computer or technologies had been part of our daily life basis nowadays. Whatever we do, we will be using technologies. Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) is any form of communication between two or in a group of people via network connection. The way to communicate can be in various ways such as through Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and etc.

CMC had started in 1980s era and start develop well throughout 1990s era. CMC had been actively used since the existence of forums and email. Back then in, the internet chat room was developed which allows direct communications. It has been implemented for long distance teaching or learning.

CMC would be divided into two which is Asynchronous & Synchronous types of CMC.

Asynchronous CMC:
Communication is not synchronized and often received late reply. The messages are not expected to be reply directly. E-mails, blogs, internet boards and message boards are part of the examples.

Synchronous CMC:
Communication between participants is synchronized and often being expect to be reply directly. It allows for direct communication and this type of CMC had been widely used nowadays. Internet messenger such as WhatsApp, Telegram and etc is part of our necessity in communication.

CMC had been used for educational purpose and it is being implement for distance learning. Synchronous CMC allows students and teachers communicates directly in learning session. Short courses and e-lectures become popular and all over the internet.

However, every technologies had their own advantages and disadvantages. As for CMC, though it seems beneficial in many ways, it could be sometimes bring disadvantages to the users.

No distance barriers
Lack of real human contact
Makes collaboration easier
Problems in accessing technologies
Social influences are eliminated
Lack of socio-emotional and cause

That is all for the fourth entry. Till we see again! 



This week topic will be on search engines and online database.

First of all, let's talk about search engines. What is search engine and can be use for what purpose?

Search engine is a web tool that allows you to look for information by using the keyword. Every search engines has it own database. Search engine has their own four main important parts which is:

database to store reference
- web crawlers / spider
- information retrieval system
- user interface

The website can be separated into three parts which surface web, deep web and dark web. As a student or a website that normally being used is as far the deep web only. Through deep web, users can seek for more information and further explanation on anything that is related to daily basis activities. It is different with dark web, it contains illegal information and to able to go through the dark web is also an illegal act to do so. However, there are people who occasionally go through the dark web. With all this website or search engine, every data had been search would be store in a database as future reference. This is how database and search engine are related.


Basically, online database and search engines depend with each other. When users search for information, the data from the database storage would be shown to anything related that was search using the keyword.

That's all for today's entry. Thank you for reading and have a nice day ahead! ❤

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Hi everyone! Back at it again with the second entry! We learned about CALL and the evolution of the usage this week. CALL or Computer Assisted Learning Language is not something new that I learn. Fortunately, I have learnt and were exposed to it a bit while taking Diploma in TESL. However, there is a lot thing that I do not know about CALL, how it is started and the way it evolve in using it for teaching. 

To be honest, I never realize that most of the medium I have been using for my assignments also considered as CALL. There are things that I thought it is just an application but it is actually a part of CALL. In example, medium that I have been using would be PowerPoint and also Microsoft Words.

I have used the online basis such as HotPotato for my teaching material. It is one of the application that is quite easy to used and does not require internet usage. Being able to use  this platform in doing assignment will gives a lot of advantages. Since most of the media platform is free and can get it through website, it is helping students in a lot of ways. 

That is all for my entry this week. Hope you guys enjoy it.


Finalize Smart Builder Project Finally, we've come to an end! This will be my last update regarding the courseware only of course! ...